Honda C70 Supercub


I started it up today and ran it for about 20 minutes. In the storage closet off of the patio… I can’t wait to get out of our apartment and into our new house. I got new tires for the cub, but no tools or space to put them on. 🙁 Anyways, I am keeping the cub’s battery charged, and it started up on the second try today. Lots of smoke came out of the exhaust at first. I hadn’t run it in over a month. It’s a great little bike with a super engine. I love it.

Honda C70 Supercub

Supercub Tires

After waiting for three months, the Michelin Gazelle tires I ordered for my C70 arrived at the shop. Apparently a big batch comes over from Asia to the distribution channels here in the states only a few times a year. But, the bike is in storage while we wait for our new house to be built. I will have to put on the new tires later in the year. 🙁 Which reminds me, I gotta charge the battery…

Honda C70 Supercub

Supercub Movie

I used to have this on my old website, and just recently found it again. It’s a quick Honda commercial featuring the Supercub. Speaking of the little Honda motorbike, I was riding around the neighborhood at lunch, and it was totally fun. But the carb needs adjustment because the engine is not getting enough fuel at high rpm’s. I am waiting for a kit that will replace all the parts in the carb that I suspect are a little clogged. I also got a new battery and it is charged up. Next I will put in the headlight, since putting in a headlight without a charged battery will blow the bulb…

Honda C70 Supercub

It’s Alive!

I went home at lunch to work a bit on my C70, and guess what? It finally started up! When it came to life, my heart skipped a beat, it kind of scared me. Hehe. But it would only run for about 10 seconds or so before dieing. And there was a funny hissing sound coming from the exhaust, sort of like a pressure cooker. I suspected that the old muffler was clogged, so I straightened out a wire hanger and used it to clear the junk that was stuck in there. I think some wasps had made a nest in there… Anyways, after that, it started up so easily, and idled nicely. There’s a small screw on the side of the carb you use to adjust the idle, and I got it dialed in pretty good. Since I inflated the tires the day before, I decided to give it a go down the street. It shifted great into first and second, but I didn’t put it into third gear yet. I’ll wait until I get new tires and a helmet. But I am stoked that it’s running!!!!


Nice Scooter


I love the Honda Metropolitan/Crea Scoopy with the hibiscus paint job.

Honda C70 Supercub

Supercub Spark

My dad and I worked a bit on the supercub. We replaced the points, condenser, and did continuity checks on most of the electrical system. And finally, we got a spark going. Next we put in some fuel and tried to start it up, but unfortunately we had a fuel leak, and the gasket I replaced wasn’t enough… The gasket actually worked fine, but there is another leak somewhere. It is going to require taking the carb apart and cleaning it again. The cool thing, though, is that when I kick the kick-start pedal, it sounds like it is trying to start up now. smile It won’t be too much longer until it is running.

Honda C70 Supercub

Cub work


It’s great weather to work on the Supercub a little bit. So, while the baby is sleeping, I cut off the broken turn signal stalks (pic is before), replaced the turn signal relay (they now blink), and am ready to replace the condenser and points.

Honda C70 Supercub



Here’s a great photo by Mark Skorj. He takes fantastic photos,
and I check his site for cool pics of scooters and supercubs.

Honda C70 Supercub

Skorj Photos


I first stumbled across Mark Skorji’s photos while searching for supercub pictures. I followed a link from his website to the photos he has on TrekEarth and was blown away. I like to look at them every now and again. They are really inspiring!

Honda C70 Supercub

I’ve got the Supercub fever again


I think I have decided on a color for my supercub… grayish green. I don’t know how to describe it. Heh, I don’t have to describe it! Here’s a picture so you can see for yourself:


Anyways, I have the supercub fever again. Tonight I am going to clear out space in the garage that is right now occupied by the Ikea boxes and set up my supercub restoration space. smile Here’s a link to my old supercub page. I guess I should update this too! And forgive the duplicate post there… thanks!