
R1150GS on the Isle of Man TT Course

Time to get your adrenaline going! Amazing that the big BMW can tear it up like that.

Honda C70 Supercub

It’s Warming Up!

Today had a high of 78°F so I was looking forward to a nice evening ride around the neighborhood. And that’s just what I did! It did get a little cold at all the usual lower-elevation roads, but mostly it was pleasant with a beautiful clear sky and bright stars. I rode almost 11 miles, and the bike was running perfectly. I was exploring a couple areas that I have never been in and got lost briefly, but it was fun. Towards the end, I was really booking (as much as a C70 can do) around some fun curves. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

A couple stats from tonight (using My Tracks on the G1):
Total distance: 10.89mi
Total time: 34:05
Max speed: 40.26mph
Average speed: 20.1mph

The odometer reading is now 5,934.8.


BMW Motorrad GS Silk Road Tour Promo

Traveling the Silk Road by motorbike. I love the travel spirit! Thanks @uwajun for tweeting this.


Another Trip to Lone Star BMW

Here’s me sitting on a nice blue F650 GS. They didn’t have the G650 GS in the showroom today… Maybe next time!

Honda C70 Supercub

Cold Night

I went for a night ride a little while ago. It’s about 48°F out and my legs are now frozen. I was wearing a rain jacket over my regular jacket, so I was warm up top, but my face is frozen. Was a lot of fun though. The idle was set too low, so it died a couple times when I came to a full stop. Adjusted the idle screw back at home, and now it’s idling nicely.

One thing you notice when riding on two-wheels is that you are much closer to the environment you are riding through. Last night there is a stretch of road that dips down lower than most areas, so riding through it gets really cold. It feels as if you opened the fridge door or something. Also, that section of road goes alongside some kind of stable, where horses are kept.  So there’s a strong animal smell (yuck).


A GS in Indonesia

From the incredible ride report “From Estonia with love” at ADVRider.


Lone Star BMW Run

I had a few hours free today so… I took a little trip to Lone Star BMW to check out the bikes. The staff there is really helpful, answering all the questions I had and offering good advice. Unlike Woods Fun Center, there isn’t any hard sell pushed on you. I like that. You can tell that these guys love bikes, and are all BMW enthusiasts.

I spent several minutes on all the bikes, especially the F650 GS and G650 GS. The lower suspension models fit perfectly, and the regular suspension F650 GS was good too. It’s a shame they didn’t have a regular suspension G650 GS for me to sit on… I’d have to say the G650 GS is the bike that felt best. It’s also the smallest GS BMW makes, and good for beginners and smaller riders. I’m keeping my eye open for used F650 GSs (the single). I’ve been obsessing over it for a couple years now. Gotta trade up from my C70 soon!

Honda C70 Supercub

Night Ride

Went for a ride tonight. Was pretty cold out there (55°F). My thighs are totally frozen. The bike was running great though. So much fun. Anyone want to buy it?


Barra Backroads Video

This looks so fun!

Barra Backroads from JMJB on Vimeo.

Honda C70 Supercub

Going to Sell My C70 Soon

I just want to do a few more things to my beloved C70 to get it a little nicer, then put it up for sale. I really want to get a bigger bike, and one of the conditions for me getting it is to get rid off the supercub. So, I want to work on the compression a bit so that it starts up easier (I think it’s a compression problem), then work on the paint a bit more. Otherwise, it’s ready to go! Clean title and all, which is somewhat rare for a 1980 C70.