Was “building” my Bonneville on the Triumph website. I liked the solo seat option and the plain leather saddlebags.
Category: Uncategorized
Bike vs Minivan
I’ve seen this posted a couple times around the Internet. Ouch!
I don’t really understand it, but they get props for going all in!
267/366 – Kiki at the Skatepark

267/366 – Kiki at the Skatepark, originally uploaded by barron.
“Get a motorcycle, get on the road, you’ll have a blast.” True!!!
Motorbike Podcasts
I enjoy listening to podcasts while commuting to work, and especially motorcycle-related ones of course! The three that I really like are Sidestand Up, The Wheel Nerds, and The Pace Motorcycle Podcast.
Sidestand Up: This is my absolute favorite. Tom Lowdermilk and his team of correspondents put on a great show, with excellent guests, regular (or semi-regular) features, like racing news, AMA news, etc. Although they talk about all kinds of motorcycling, they tend to have on a lot of “Adventure” rider and world-touring type guests. For instance, Jay Kannaiyan, Ted Simon, The Striking Viking, etc. The show is on every Tuesday evening, and they have a fun chatroom going on when the show is live. I make sure to download the episode on Wednesdays if I miss the live one.
The Pace Motorcycle Podcast: I’ve just begun listening to this one, but already I am hooked. They are pretty low-key and very intelligent. Really good subjects and fun guests. These guys really know their stuff!
The Wheel Nerds: These two are a lot of fun! They have a great time with their podcast and have a fresh outlook on motorcycling. Their segment where they talk about various Wanted Ads is hilarious! I really like this podcast, but sometimes they are so energetic that I need to take a break from listening. I really enjoyed their interview with Ted Simon. Well done!
2011 Motorbiking
Well, 2011 is over and it seems like many of the motorcycle bloggers are posting their mileage and other year-end thoughts. I figured I’d do the same. First off, some of the things I’ve bought:
Also in 2011, I did my first Saddlesore 1000. That was a lot of fun and although I said I’d never do it again, never say never! But I realize that I do love long-distance riding. I’m hoping to do another long ride, probably not for any kind of certificate, but I’d love to take a few days and ride to Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. I also rode a bit on the dirt. Not a whole lot, but it was still fun. This year I’d like to take an off-road class and get some experience. Hopefully in the summer when it warms up to a nice 110 degrees.
My final odometer reading for 2012 was 10,325 miles for a total of 3,174 miles for the year. And I am going to need new tires soon!
Passed 10k Miles
This past weekend I crossed the 10,000 mile mark! Needing some new tires soon…
Good Deed for the Day
I went for a quick half-hour ride this afternoon and I saw a motorcyclist on the side of the road duck-walking his cruiser. I did a quick u-turn to see if he needed any help. Turns out he just got a new Harley, overestimated the range of his new bike, and ran out of gas. But all was well because his wife was on the way with a gas can. He was only about a mile away from the station! We had a good laugh and then I was off.