Honda C70 Supercub

Honda launches the 2018 Super Cub with a K-Speed custom

To max out the cool factor, Honda has commissioned a killer custom Cub from Thailand’s superstar bike builders.

Source: Honda launches the 2018 Super Cub with a K-Speed custom

This is awesome!

Honda C70 Supercub

Goodbye to the Supercub

It was a sad day yesterday as I let my beloved Honda C70 go to a new owner. I’ve had this bike for several years now, rescued it from a really sorry state and got it running and looking pretty good. I also got it legally registered again. I’m hoping the new owner enjoys it! I do think she found a nice new home.

During the restoration process, I learned a lot about motorbikes. Mechanically, I learned how to rebuild and adjust a carb, adjust valves, adjust timing, change sparkplug and points, change a tire, replace a chain, and do some basic electrical diagnostics. The C70 also taught me about riding a motorbike on the road. I got a lot of practice riding on this small bike. It was easy to apply the basics that I learned in the MSF class I took to this very lightweight but capable motorbike. Maybe someday I will get another one but that’s far in the future.

Honda C70 Supercub

5,948 on the Odometer

Went for a night ride on the supercub. As always, a lot of fun. My new jacket is great. It really blocks the wind making for a super comfortable ride. When it gets warmer, the vents will be welcome. Getting close to the 6,000 mark on the bike!

Honda C70 Supercub

スーパーカブ110 沖縄限定CM

A funny Supercub CM!

Honda C70 Supercub

It’s Warming Up!

Today had a high of 78°F so I was looking forward to a nice evening ride around the neighborhood. And that’s just what I did! It did get a little cold at all the usual lower-elevation roads, but mostly it was pleasant with a beautiful clear sky and bright stars. I rode almost 11 miles, and the bike was running perfectly. I was exploring a couple areas that I have never been in and got lost briefly, but it was fun. Towards the end, I was really booking (as much as a C70 can do) around some fun curves. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

A couple stats from tonight (using My Tracks on the G1):
Total distance: 10.89mi
Total time: 34:05
Max speed: 40.26mph
Average speed: 20.1mph

The odometer reading is now 5,934.8.

Honda C70 Supercub

Cold Night

I went for a night ride a little while ago. It’s about 48°F out and my legs are now frozen. I was wearing a rain jacket over my regular jacket, so I was warm up top, but my face is frozen. Was a lot of fun though. The idle was set too low, so it died a couple times when I came to a full stop. Adjusted the idle screw back at home, and now it’s idling nicely.

One thing you notice when riding on two-wheels is that you are much closer to the environment you are riding through. Last night there is a stretch of road that dips down lower than most areas, so riding through it gets really cold. It feels as if you opened the fridge door or something. Also, that section of road goes alongside some kind of stable, where horses are kept.  So there’s a strong animal smell (yuck).

Honda C70 Supercub

Night Ride

Went for a ride tonight. Was pretty cold out there (55°F). My thighs are totally frozen. The bike was running great though. So much fun. Anyone want to buy it?

Honda C70 Supercub

Going to Sell My C70 Soon

I just want to do a few more things to my beloved C70 to get it a little nicer, then put it up for sale. I really want to get a bigger bike, and one of the conditions for me getting it is to get rid off the supercub. So, I want to work on the compression a bit so that it starts up easier (I think it’s a compression problem), then work on the paint a bit more. Otherwise, it’s ready to go! Clean title and all, which is somewhat rare for a 1980 C70.

Honda C70 Supercub

Hello world!

Welcome to my new blog! For my first post, here’s a photo of my 1980 Honda C70. The image is reversed because I used the TTL technique.


Honda C70 Supercub

Fuel Leaking

Mariko goes into the garage this morning and then comes to get me. “It smells like gas in the garage!”. So I rush in there, knowing that it must be from the supercub since I just filled it up yesterday. I said, “Oh, my supercub must be leaking.” And she says, “Oh good, I thought it was one of our cars.” To which I replied, “What?! The supercub is my baby!” Anyways, I guess it is time to order a new fuel petcock as the old one wasn’t completely sealing off the fuel flow. And I need to take apart the carb and make sure the fuel cutoff inside the bowl is working correctly. Either one of those would have prevented the leak.