I love this video! Jealous of these motorcyclists on their amazing journeys.
Category: ADV
Touratech Mexiko Trailer
Very cool, relaxing video of a motorbike trip in Mexico. Some narration by Bruce Brown would be perfect for this!
GS Attitude Video
A little too serious and artsy, but some nice footage.
Enduro Himalaya
Something to put on my To-do List.
A nice video from Horizons Unlimited. People living the dream!
Ted Simon Turns 80
Happy Birthday to Ted Simon, 80 years young and still going strong! One of my inspirations.
‘Motorcycle Chang pa’ by Gaurav Jani
Another amazing journey!
Favorite Bikes: Yamaha XT660X Ténéré
One of my favorite bikes ever is the Yamaha XT660Z Ténéré. I think it looks so cool, has a nice sized engine, and I like Japanese engineering. Unfortunately, it’s not sold in the States at this time. Plus I would probably need to grow a couple inches to ride it. At any rate, I can dream! My friend Jeremy sent me a link to some excellent photos of the bike. And below is an ADV rider on his Ténéré in Africa. Living the dream!
Jammin Thru Brazil
I’ve been following Jay’s trip for a few month now. He posts some really good riding videos, with great accompanying music. He’s living the dream. Enjoy!
2RTW Revisiting South America
Simon and Lisa Thomas (2RideTheWorld) riding their BMW motorcycles around the globe. Fantastic!